Virtual & In-Person Author Visits

“My second graders were in AWE of his writing strategies and absolutely loved his animated read aloud!”
— Mrs. Cox, 2nd grade teacher, Va.
“Ethan’s visit was sooooo much fun for us all! I loved seeing everyone laughing and my own face hurts from all the laughing!”
— Mrs. Murphy, 4th grade teacher, NJ
“Ethan shared a wealth of information about the writing process and kept the kids entertained throughout the visit.”
— Mrs. Luca, Media Specialist, NJ

My author visits are fun, funny and educational! See below for frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I arrange for visits and how much do they cost?
A: I schedule all my visits with the help of Authors Out Loud. You can arrange for visits and get prices here.

Q: What do visits include?
A: I will read my most recent book (or another of my books upon request), discuss my writing process, teach about joke writing and point of view, and answer as many student questions as we have time for. Did I mention that I love answering questions?!

Q: What's this about Bear answering questions?
A: It's true, I use live animation software that allows students to ask questions directly to an animated version of Bear, the main character of "I Am Not a Dog Toy."

Q: Can you customize your presentation to what we are currently covering in class?
A: As long as it's writing or reading related, I would love to discuss your current class topic during my presentation. Just don't expect me to talk about astrophysics or anything.

Q: Can students order copies of your books?
A: I thought you'd never ask! Once we have a visit planned, I'll help you arrange book sales.

Q: Okay, I definitely want to book you, what do I do?
A: Sounds like you make great decisions! Fill out the form below and I'll write back ASAP.

“Mr. Berlin was so engaging and entertaining. The students were talking about him for days after his presentation!!”
— Mrs. Nole, School Counselor, VA
“Bringing Ethan into the classroom remotely was an experience my students will not forget. It was such a fun, energetic way for the students to meet an author!”
— Mrs. Coons, Kindergarten teacher, NJ